Derek Girard, aka the Stove-Dialer is currently in Mow-town doing lawnmower tail taps and mowing everything else in his path. Last night, he and the infamous subtle genious known as Edog, rode a new garage ramp in Ithaca, Edog won the “thursday night skate championships” and got a trophy in the process. Leif Valin was not present for the award ceremony, as he was putting the finishing touches on the Bar at Big Daves house, as he was contracted to do the art on it. on of which is a stencil of a cat, playing witha ball of yarn that simply reads “strung out”. Leif is an interesting Character. The online store still has 3 xl shirts for 20 bucks, if anyone is interested, they are almost gone, so get some if you like big shirts… Its Indian summer in the Northeast, so expect everyone to be living it up this weekend, getting some of the last few days of good weather outdoor riding. Peace out.

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall