“Gypsy”- One inclined to a nomadic, unconventional way of life… Simple enough. 1 week of 60 or so similar BMX enthusiasts, and it’s a wild ride for sure.
We spent the week filming for a DVD, that will be out this summer some time, check out some of the updates from the guys that were on the trip….
Cedence Bikes
liquor BIkes
Circuit BMX
Savage South…
The trip was super fun, new friends, old friends, and good times!
We ended the caravan in NYC, for the Premiere of I love My Bicycle, The Documentary about FBM By Joe Stakun. To be in a theatre with a few hundred people, getting stoked on what we’ve done, got me so choked up, I cried on Big Dave’s shoulder. It was seriously a huge honor, and I am so happy about the reaction from everyone!
At one point, Dave was talking on the big screen, the theatre was quiet, listening to the words of a welding guru, and Kelly Baker interjects’ – “Yo Dave , you here?”, still quiet, Dave replies, “ya!” and the whole place went bonkers for him. Respect!
Anyrate, it was a crazy night, and it kicked serious ass. Thanks to everyone, so much fun….

Originally Posted by steve Crandall