Deuce sent over these black and white pics of Kelly Baker Boosting the wall at his trails. I don’t know who shot the pics, but if I had to guess, I would say The Dude, Chris Hallman shot them. The Dude may or may not have been spotted at a soup gang meeting in Austin texas, with Leif Valin, Ryan Corrigan, Billy Latzer Meghan K, Stew Johnson, Sandy Carson and the infamous Joe Rich. Leif is a heavy on the soup scene so all the big guns show up whene he is in town. Looks like thos guys all had a good time. Qbp road trip is next week, Tony Hamlin will be on that sucker representing for FBM, and hopefully making sure Todd Johnson has his handsfull. If anyone can guess the rider blasting with a number plate in the 80s some time, in the pic sent in by Justin Guavin. the winner will recieve a free FSA banner and a Milktoast demo tape. Kent Pearsons Final Exam Jam is coming up, in Athens Ga., if you ask Bob Scerbo, he’ll tell you Athens is home to some of the best biscuits he has ever eaten. I personally was not as stoked.

Originally Posted by Crandall