We went to some trails to do some filming with Tony Cardona, and the boys, It was awesome. Why more people aren’t into trails, is beyond me. Actually no its not, its hard work, and most people are sissies. Gilly, Dave King, and Abe and that crew are NOT sissies, dialed jumps everywhere, despite fighting the elements. The hard work pays off though, i saw dozens of riders having so much fun, simplicity, style, and goodtimes in the woods away from the rest of the world, Not Bad. I also witnessed Chase hawk and Brian Foster doing trains, and it was some of the most amazing shit I had ever seen. I loved it. Here are a few pics of Dave, Gilly and Tony, having a blast. The Ramen Noodle Bowl Jam is this weekend, Registration will start mid afternoon on sunday, and the actual jam will happen closer to evening. Rumor has it that FBM is having its 200 year anniversary party somewhere near the Old 76 club on Saturday too, if it rains, which it usually does, maybe it will just end upo at the club, who knows. Take it light dudes…

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall