So Frostbike in Minnesota, at QBP headquarters is a sight to behold. First thing I noticed when I got here was that with the windchill it is negative 30 degrees, secondly, this place is no joke. The staff here are super cool, and there should be a good amount of retailers checking out our shit. Jay Miron is even in the house, as well as guy named Ahmed from Snafu. He looks amish. Todd Johnson, Tim and the guys are pretty fun, so I’ll probably post more pics throughout the weekend. In Team News, Tony Cardona is on his way here to help out with his buddy shitty Phil. Tag called from Philly, and was about to snap, in further developments with the Shitluck Video which might have to be re named, “the Damned”, hopefully it works out, they have been dealing with issues for a while. Not much else, check back later…

Originally Posted by Crandall