While Visiting Richmond, we heard rumor of a legend. The legend was known as the ‘Hurricane’. Once Mikey caught wind of the legend, we knew we’d have to seek it out, and Mikey would have to take another great Challenge. Th eChallenge was to eat a hamburger, at the 821 cafe, and go across the street and do a handrail, and dinner was paid for, otherwise, Mikey had to buy his own meal. Normally this wouldn’t be a task, but he Hurricane is no ordinary burger, it is 1 POUND of ground beef, stacked between 2 grilled cheeses, with all the fixings, and french fries. When the burger arrived, you could hear the challenger rant and rave over how delicious it was, and how he loved delicious food, because it tastes so good, and good stuff is awesome! Mikey’s brother Johnny sat across form him, broke, and taunting him, hoping he’d crack and share the food with him. Gluttonous? Maybe, Driven? absolutely, but about half way through the burger, Mikey started to second guess his belly capacity, and his pace slowed down considerably. He started complaining about how he was too full, and that the food was satckig upthrough his esophogus. At this point it was agreed that he could share the fries, much to Johnny’s delight, but he had to do the rail and couldn’t puke. As a trooper does, and with great conviction, the burger was finished, and Mikey went and did the rail… triumph of the Human spirit or just completely ridiculous? Mikey Corts is the man!

Originally Posted by Wu Tang Cran