First off, on behalf of Mike Tag, and his family, a HUGE THANKS goes out to the ENTIRE BMX industry, and all the riders, friends, fans and so on for an incredible response to the news about Tag’s battle with Lymphoma!
So many people made donations, helped spread the word, and sent positive thoughts and best wishes, it’s almost unbelievable. So Stoked.
Below we posted a Props bio from 12 years ago, they uploaded that so people could check it out, and
the Guys at Ride Magazine set up an Auction for Mike Tag. Thanks guys…
We are working on some Product promo to raise money, and events, so stay tuned, and keep up the stokeage, It Really means a lot to Mike, and he could use all the help he can get!
Don’t forget to click here to donate or learn more!
Props Issue 29 – Mike Tag Profile from PropsBMX on Vimeo.