Our buddy Bob Rathbun aka Little Bun has pulled through with the winning name for the name the frame with no name name contest. The winning name for the name the frame with no name is…Berzerker! Congrats Little Bun.
Wow. We received over 800 emails and we’d guess that there were over 4,000 names suggested. In our estimation, based on the name suggestions, the “average” FBM customer is between the ages of 10 and 46, and either sexually depraved,hilarious, on drugs, drunk, uneducated, intelligent, mildly stupid, borderline genius, emotionally unstable, bored, devoted family men, semi homeless, ICP fans or all of the above and much, much more. But most of all, FBM fans the world over are pretty damn awesome.
Thanks for the entertainment and support, keep up the good work.

Originally Posted by JPR