Holiday Season is on us, and the guys at FBM, and Last Call are working very closely with Market analysis experts and Transvestites on bicycles, as well as reciting Bob Seeger lyrics while at the chop saw. Mike Corts was singing Night Moves, and hustling out parts so his brother John, Big dave and Ken could weld up some frames. Dtlan Cole was not be seen as he heard John Lee passed up buying the House party trilogy oin DVD over the weekend. Jeff Harrington was so fired up about John Lee, he put him on the forklift, and Yelled- “WHY!!!!” Who doesn’t buy a house party trilogy on DVD? Anyhow, lots of goodies are iin stock, and Capone frames are on sale, so holla t John Or Jeff, and ask about Holiday specials…. If you are looking for places that sell FBM, here are a couple mailorders that might have what you need- Empire , Albes , Dan’s , Staff BMX , Nation BMX , OBMX… Thats just a few, in case your local shop doesn’t Have FBM products. If they don’t, say – “hey man…” or whatever. Now pLaying- Naked raygun-“home of the brave”.

Originally Posted by Steve crandall