This pic of tony Hamlin, airing the shit out of the X dreams bowl, isn’t from last night, but it’s sweet. Tony, Steve Debusk, Jay Roe, Shitty Twin, and I all rode the park last night, It was fun, I saw Tony Pull a clean Double Tailwhip, and I saw a local eat shit on a razor scooter.Anyhow, Cameron Wood sent some Halloween pics over from Utah, He had a trail jam, and who knows what else those guys are up to, But I venture to say Berringer is one of the most Fun people in BMX. Tony C. just called from Midway airport in Chicago to ask me what airline he takes to Orlando, for the Baco Jam. Most People get that info before going to an airport, but Tony is special. Here are a couple pics of a new Stem we are working on, Phil Wasson Prototyped these, keep posted for a release date on them, Tentative name- FBM “Protect Ya Neck”. Its Light and has the slot machined in for optional gyro plate, without affecting stack height. Word Up. Wu Tang never had no Rollerblading team. Keep feeding ya, and feeding ya. Ha! Anyhow, We’ll get some more news posted on here soon, check out 4 Down’s site for the results of the Video contest they Held….

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall