Leif sent some pics with a note attached that read “here are some riding pics from this week..” Titled respectively, Guitar Training, No Ipod, Haloween training, Sten DUI…… Stunning…

Originally Posted by Cran Cran
Leif sent some pics with a note attached that read “here are some riding pics from this week..” Titled respectively, Guitar Training, No Ipod, Haloween training, Sten DUI…… Stunning…
Originally Posted by Cran Cran
here`s some photo`s and a tribute for the recently deceased inventor of instant ramen
leif eric valin
(photos of Leif, Corrigan, Joe Rich and Chris hallman By Leif) (look how high the dude is on the T1 ramp, thats higher than the scaffolding I saw him on the other day when he threw sheetrock at me…)
Originally Posted by Steve Crandall
Sometimes I forget how Genius Leif Valin is, in the daily chaos, his subtle works can get overlooked. Its kind of stupid of me. Leif has traveled the world in the past year, particpated in artshows, packed up from his tenure in York Pa. and moved to Colorodo, to live near his family, and ride with his brother Sten. Below are a few of the many pics that he has taken along the way, and some artwork that he has so kindly shared with us. Leif is also an advocate of aspartame abstinence, and coffee consumption. If you happen to run across Mr. Valin in the near future, try and get one of his jokes. You won’t. Pink and Teal.
Originally Posted by C-did