The rumors of The Crazy Chicken, and Mike Aitken leaving there sponsors to drive around with Derrick Girard, in his 65 chevy are not true. Its is true however that all 3 of them are kooked. Ryan Fudger called to confirm said rumors for Ridebmxmag this morning, and also filled me in in that, he is not in fact, Rick Thorne in disguise as was reported somewhere else. Aaron Ross, shown here with e Kink team getting foot massages in Japan, has a bike check in the New Ride Uk, shot by none other than Doctor filth, Devon Hutchins. Also in that issue is coverage of a Shitluck Roadtrip. Leland, who fell asleep in a bathtub on Christmas eve, and missed his family gathering, due to a severe hangover, is stoked however on the delayed progress of the Shitluck Video, that Tag is trying to wrap up. Now playing “just like them” – ALL

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall