Joel Barnett and Korey Kryder put together this lil beauty on the fly, we like it, and hope you do too!
We asked Joel a couple questions about it…
What’s new with Joel Barnett right now?
For the past 2 months I’ve been working at a dog daycare. We have about 80-100 dogs every day and I just hangout with them and keep the crowd under control. It’s seriously the best job ever! Actually, one of the little buggers ripped my thumb open today, but it’s still awesome! I’ve been shooting a bunch of photos and have been really stoked on doing that! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/joelbarnett/). Along with that, I’ve been working on an Indie/Folk-ish music project called The Fox And The Whale with my good friends. Other than that, I’m just doing the same old… eating pizza, drinking Arnie Palmers, cruising the bike and trying to pass on as many smiles and high fives that I possibly can!
Tell us about filming this edit, who did you work with, where was it Filmed, and how long did it take?
Upstate NY has been plagued by rain, rain and more rain. I filmed this little guy with my partner in crime Korey Kryder. Korey is the best dude to work with. Super relaxed and keeps me stoked and laughing non-stop. We started working on this edit the first part of April. We’d film one day, then have to wait a week for nice weather. Overall, I think we filmed about 6 different times. It’s all filmed in the Syracuse area. We have some incredible street around here if you take the time to look. We’ve ad a blast looking for new spots and getting to ride spots we found over the winter. I’m actually super pumped to have this be an all Syracuse edit, because Syracuse was “the spot” when I was younger and we’re trying to show everyone it still is!
Whats up with Syracuse these days?
Syracuse is raging! Summer is close and good shows are popping up (like Converge in 2 weeks), college students are about to leave, road bikes are in full effect, great pizza, incredible coffee via Cafe Kubal and Recess and just people that are stoked!
Spring is coming in, What are you stoked on now that the weather is getting better?
I’m stoked to just be outside. We had a brutal winter and I was blessed enough to dodge it for a bit, but it was still rough. It’s great getting to ride the spots we found over the winter. I spent the whole winter thinking about what I wanted to do at each spot and now that the weather is good, it’s full speed ahead. Make Moves May!
Tell us 3 weird things about Korey-
1. He freaks out if you leave time on his microwave.
2. He has a 3ft tall Hannah Montana sticker on his apartment wall.
3. He almost died the other day because of Turkey; the manikin head he keeps in his car.