Brien Kielb, and the Albany Crew, showed up in Ithaca this weekend with Sweet Baby Tarbell, Opie,, greco, Greg, and some of the Binghamton kids. John Paul and Chunk also made the trek down, for what turned into an impromptu, good time weekend, including the first BBQ of the year, the first Time riding the pool, the first Dig session at Bakers Acres, some Rope Swinging, some outdor riding at the Cement wonderland known as the Ithaca Skatepark, and some Sunshine. The Sun didn’t have much endurance, as it hailed and rained on us at one point.
Kelly Had his son Clint digging at the trails, with JR Baker, and I even managed to Shake a leg at the Local park. Sweet Baby had us Bombing Hills, and toby was Shotgunning beers at some random peoples houses on Saturday. More Pics than words, I guess…. Big Dave and the team Major Air kids are on Mega Tour, Cameron is with them, as is Leland. Tag is in Florida riding ferris wheels, adn drinking umbrella drinks at a beach, Derrick is MIA, hopefully with Nutter, soing something awesome. Aaron and Tony C. are eating Pizza, and Tony H is compiling actual Team news for an update. I think. Now Playing- Sicko, “the Sprinkler”

Originally Posted by Steve crandall