I got to see Cornpie today, and that was a treat. Everyone at FBM has been busy all week, getting ready for Interbike in Vegas, what a fiasco. Without realizing it, the whole Vegas thing has been going on at the same time as the Video Contest, so I havent had time to go through the entries yet, Hopefully I’ll start next week, so if you still want to send footy, you have some time. We’ll anounce the winner in October. In other news, in case you haven’t noticed, we don’t have a Ghetto Comp Scheduled this year, and I don’t know if we ever will again or not. I can’t Imagine it being better than last years, and I didn’t want to one that was worse, so we are holding off until we get some better ideas. How can you top a pallet loop? suggestions? Anyhow, FBM will do something this year, where and when is yet to be decided. News from the Shitluck tour- Derrick got a 500 dollar ticket, Cam 180’d down 13 stairs over a rail, and Leland has poison Ivy. Little Billy, Tag, and Tony Hamlin all met Prince while in Minneapolis. Go Figure.
Originally Posted by Steve Crandall