Adam Guilliams can crank at a quarter pipe and blast an air, almost no matter what the circumstance, how does he do it?
We asked him some tips on what you need to know how to overcome a quarter pipe’s rejection and these key points;
-increase a transition interest.
-gain immediate respect.
-get women’s phone number without asking for i.t
-try to avoid tragic mistake nearly all men make when they first air a ramp.
What Was Adam’s Response? –
-Eat More Pizza.
-Laugh as often as possible.
-Listen to music that doesn’t suck.
-play air guitar and headbang even when inappropriate
If non of that works, try some of the new FBM gear, and watch one of these great web videos!
The Flying Ginch Bros. from FBM BMX on Vimeo.
Vince Smith from FBM BMX on Vimeo.
Joel Barnett 2010 edit from FBM BMX on Vimeo.
Eric Hollady from FBM BMX on Vimeo.

Originally Posted by steve crandall