… and He brought home the bacon!
It is officially Ape-ril, the first to be exact, so don’t be foolish, give a ring to Brett Diener, and John Lee at Last Call and get your shop, or your BMX bike dialed in with some FBM Awesomeness!
Spring is rumored to be coming in like a LION (hurry up dude!), so get ready, and say goodbye to the worries of winter, and the weather that it brought with it!
Oh yeah, and if you didn’t get the memo, or Missed it on Empire’s twitterfeed, BMX is AWESOME as shit!
You Will Not Mister Man!
Shhhh, I have a secret, there is a place where BMXER’s don’t give a shit, and they do what they want, and are so busy doing it, that they don’t give a shit what other people are squawking about…
and oh, here’s a hint, it aint on the internet, but it is somewhere near a planet in the distant future where intelligent talking apes are the dominant species, and humans are the oppressed and enslaved.