Another reminder Brawlin’ at the Belmar is creeping up fast. Product for the AM prize packages has started to flow in at a steady clip, I’d guess we’ve got about 4G’s worth of goodness, and we’ve only gotten half of what we’re expecting. Go HERE to get all the info, while you’re there check out all the companies that are helping us help you.
Lots of killer dudes are scheduled to appear this year: Guettler, BF, Stony Cardona, Fuzzy, Beringer, Cam Wood, even Big Dick Doyle will be swinging his manhood all over the Belmar’s backyard. Make sure if you’re underage you fill out the waiver and have your folks sign it or you won’t be allowed to ride.
Thanks again to all the companies who were kind enough to help us out, it’s all about stoking the kids.

Originally Posted by JPR