4th of July came an went, and much like the 2 weeks prior, any plans for riding outside, were completely shutdown by pissing rain. We did do some Kamikaze Canoing with Kelly Baker, and the trails dried up enough for a couple of laps after work yesterday. Kelly will be stoked on that, much like the pork brains in milk gravy, and smoked turkey necks he got on our trip to Tennessee earlier in the spring. Ride Uk covered that trip and it should be out about now. Kerry Sayre, of Rise Above in Lorain Ohio is having a Grand Opening this weekend, Peep the shop, the Dude Painting, Kerry’s F-ed up tattoos, and show a new BMX shop some love. Leif Valin sent over some more art, He is something. Rebel Jam is coming up in Germany, expect to see Tony Hamlin, Aaron Ross, and hopefully my ugly mug over there, as well as a wild bunch of Germans getting totally nuts. More news in a minute…

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall