Here’s the scoop-Multiple teams, traveling independently, meeting at each of the designated spots, for a jam session/BBQ.
The Idea is to show up at the said parks, for a good time, and a community vibe, by bringing people together for informal jam sessions, and a BYOB type of cookout.
Along the way, Each team/group will be participating in a skavenger hunt of sorts, requiring photo/ video evidence, with the goal, to win by amassing the most points.
-Team Major Air
-Sun Rims
-re cycles.
– Savage South
-and an unaffiliated Motorcycle contingent, consisting of who ever is willing and able, from any of the teams or anyone interested…
First Stop- Friday may 2nd Louisville Ky.
This stop is the Kentucky Derby Eve Jam/ BBQ hosted by Shitluck 9pm start time.
Day2 – Saturday May3, BBQ at Rise Skate shop in Ft. wayne Indiana, this is also the unofficial 15th anniversary of the beginning of the Fat House, and FBM in Indiana.
Maybe Kokomo Sunday or monday?
3rd officialish stop on the trip won’t be until Wednesday the 7th in Athens ohio at the Public park….
The Final Stop is planned so far as a BBQ at the Public cement Park on Friday the 9th Afternoon in Pittsburgh….
Come hang out and Have a good time….Tag along if you want.

Originally Posted by Steve crandall