Check out some pics on Kelly Bakers Blog. He sent me this pic this morning of Him peeing on an electric fence. He is Nuts. Justin Short showe dup at FBM, Justin is orignally from Pittsburgh Pa., and one of the first PUSH locals. We met him in the early Nineties, and he actually drew some of teh Original FBM and PUSH graphics. He once rode his BMX from Pitssburgh to Ithaca, and was on the cover of one of the first Dig Magazines (issue 3). The Cover was from the eaarly PUSH days, I think Hallman shot the pic, and the mags were off an old redline that he traded me some Prismacolor markers for. I met Stew Johnson for the first time around then in Pittsburgh too, coincidentally, they were both at FBM, Stew was eating rigatoni, and when we met, he pushed me off Jason Stiegs Couch while I was sleeping, into a plate of Rigatoni that was left on the floor. Ahh, the good old days. New Bike Check pics of Johnny Corts and Dylan Cole are posted, as well as random shit throughout the team pages. Belmar Comp, Rain or Shine this weekend… Ryan Gootler might even be in the house…

Originally Posted by Steve crandall