When Ryan Corrigan called me a few years ago, and said he was going to build a loop at the Ghetto comp, I got nervous. I was stunned when it was finished. After the Contest, before tearing it down, Fisher called, and said, ” hey I wanna do that loop today” I was again, Stunned. No pads, like it was nuthin. Not many people hold that prestige. I don’t think he even did an Indian giver out of it. After wards we went to the dollar movie and watched repo man, and ate Twizzlers il we puked. Any rate, somethings just don’t lose value as time goes on, and in my opinion, this is one of those instances. Kind of like the first time I heard ‘ride of the valkyries’, or spit while in one of those gravitron machines at the fair. Matt Hoffman and Leland had the same Birthday on Wednesday, happy Berfday guys….

Originally Posted by Steve crandall