NBC awarded gilly with the official network Sweet Dude award, for building a dirt course awesome enough for Nyquist to pull a 720 with a barspin in the middle (720 truckdriver?). Nyquist won that sucker, NICE! Gilly celebrated by inviting everyone over for a BBQ at his place in Pennsylvania. The Shadow Conspiracy was going to come over for the BBQ, but they all got kidnapped again. Oh well, what people will go through for the sake of bmx. Any how, new Heat treated 2006.5 Deployers are back from paint, and look kick ass, emerald transluscent green, with new stickers, So nice, and with NIL-8 technology. Dave King is so stoked on it, that he mentioned chickenwraps straight edge tattoo in the same sentance. WoW. More News later now playing- Fifteen- “brians song”

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall