Friday the 12th, scarier than friday the 13th, because todays is the birthday of FBM Legend, Kelly Baker, celebrating 44 years of GNAR! Happy Birthday buddy! Newark Valley is not safe tonight! Kelly Baker eyes!
There are a ton of sweet Build ups in the FBM Owners group section, including a beautiful Wormz frame buildup from France! Stoked!
Nick From BMX Movie Database hit me up yesterday with an old Useless video from the 90’s posted on the line, In which I (Steve Crandall) share a video part with a teenage version of NORA cup winner and BMX Legend Chris Doyle. I was stunned. its posted below if you want to check it out!
In other news, East Shore celebrates 3 years this weekend, go check out the new set up, and support the cause. Ben Jones has a posse! Big News is the Austin Premiere of Anthem at T1 this weekend, BMX will be reborn under the sign of the Bassmaster general! Richmond premiere next weekend at Mojo’s under the watchful eye of Robb Tibbs, and Chop Nasty, courtesy of Recycles, who is also throwing a street jam that day!
Always Stoked!
use8 from bmxmdb.com on Vimeo.

Originally Posted by steve crandall