Big Dave is so excited about the pending release of the New Flat Frame, that he went to the Belmar, and ate pretzels, and bought himself a beer. Here is Dave in Action , welding part of the new, and Innovative frame. I am back in Ny after a stint in Asia, where i managed to smuggle Godzilla into America, and can now proudly say, “I went to Tokyo and all i got was this lousy Godzilla Tattoo”. I was so Tired on the flight home, that I thought I was delirious when i looked out the window, and saw an unsuspecting passenger on the wing. I shot a pic, just to make sure i wasn’t seeing things. It was an actual character out of the imagination of Ken the welder again, in real life. I don’t know how that shit happens. At any Rate, Lucero is Playing in Japan this month, so go to their website for dates. East Coast Terminal is having a comp on sept. 24th as well, and rumor has it that Jeff Harrington will be riding in his legendary duck helmet, wearing a shirt with a toilet bowl on fire printed on it. HolleR.

Originally Posted by Cran cran