Fisher showed up with his Dog- Leo, and I forgot to mention earlier, with Luther Campbell who was visiting, Fishty Loves to keep it Gangster, and Its always a treat to see some wheels beneath his feet, Jeff Harrington, and mike Corts were so stoked on Fisher, they could barely contain themselves. Heres a pic of Chris Hancock as well. Chris rides better than the pic shows, But I aint no pro with the Nikon… Here are some Shirt designs that you can now find available through Last Call. Scott Towne is a good friend of ours, and one of his many projects include Deliverance Clothing. I like Scott’s art alot, as well as his ideas, and outlooks on a lot of things, Scott has been around for years, is rumored to have done the first Documented wallride, and is basically a legend. He was even the editor of the now defunct SuperBMX, American Freestyler and BMXplus years and years ago.
Any rate, enough ass kissing, Scott’s a great guy, and if you dig his stuff, give us a call, and we’ll get you sorted. In unrelated news, Derek emailed me this last night-“dude i got maried on saterday to a happy bride in mass. wish me luck….hahaha” No telling with Derek, he is something else….

Originally Posted by Cran Cran