Selected FBM frames are on sale on the FBM online store. Buy any remaining 2007 Autopilots, Bitchin Camaros, Deployers, Stairmasters, PW Moto le’s, or Joints and get a free Chopper fork. Chopper forks come in Black, pearl white and Neon green, sale ends November 25th, unless we run out of goods. Joel Barnet, FBM Newbie, stopped by FBM on friday, here are a couple pics of him on his whip. Garret G. sent over a pic from the weekend, as did the original Dude himself-Chris Hallman. Chris is one of the most enigmatic, and amazing riders of our time. He’ll also shoot the ass off of a picture. Mike Corts works in the FBM machine shop, building bikes and such. Its in my opinion that Mike is one of the baddest street riders out there today, not to be unmatched by how weird he is, and how bad his taste in music is, Damn Yankees was blasting at peak levels when these pics were shot, and later he made screaming yelps while drilling holes in steel, and eating snacks from the dollar store. Clairmont lounge represent!

Originally Posted by Wu Tang Cran