Lots of News today, as its a pretty historical event, in the U.S., in accord with that, here are a couple of photos of Bob Q, of Junkfood zine with a non political drop wheel corner bowl carve at Ryan Nyquist’s joint in Greenville North Carolina, known as the Unit. Marcus Tooker minds the place while Ryan is currently residing in California. Pretty cool spot to have at your disposal, a world class skatepark, and it’s private. Kind of stunning.
Also stunning is the existence of handlebars, without them, BMX would not be the same, imagine Nyquist if he never had handlebars, no barspins, no contest placings, no fame and fortune and no Unit ramp complex. Thank goodness for handlebars….!!!! Here are the current FBM offerings, Big Apes, and Belmar bars- Multibutted with Roasted heat treating, lightweight, and perfectly suited for Nice Brand miso grips.

Originally Posted by Steve crandalls