Meet Big Dave, shown here welding up a Stairmaster, He is one Kick ass dude, not only will he weld up a kick ass frame, he’ll make sure the Corts Brothers are having fun all day, and that Ken is properly connected to the Electoshock machine. Dave is a hard worker, and constantly coming up with ways to improve the frames we sell, thank him for NIL-8, (pronounced Annihilate), and many other improvements over the years. Word up. Miek Corts is off for a coupl eweeks on a roadtrip, headed to Salt Lake City where he’ll end up meeting with Cameron Wood. Derrick Girard was supposed to meet up as well, and from what I hear, has lost his passport, and is stuck in Berlin, bartending at some bar. Aye Aye Aye. John Lee and Jeff Harrington are busy today as well, shipping out orders for Last Call, and whatnot, as well as cracking skulls. Chunk at the trails, thats what I like to see…. New Colors in Chanticleer Bar Ends, peep them,and Don’t forget the new colors available in Crown Royal Stems as well!
Now Playing-The Damned- “new rose”

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall