Dirty Jersey

Adam Guilliams at the 2x4 five year anniversary party in Pennsville NJ

Van Homan’s 2×4 shop celebrated its 5th anniversary this past weekend, and we were on hand to join in the festivities…
Tons of locals, pro’s, and young Jersey shredders were on hand, as well as the Shadow Team, some of the F-it team and more were all hanging out, eating hot dogs, riding ramps, playing footdown, and generally being stoked, it was a good time!
After the sun settled, we showed a preview to an upcoming FBM dvd release, followed by a sick video by the Stink Pit crew, featuring Ganman, Don Canway, and Caponey Boy, that was really awesome! Thanks guys for letting us show the vid!
Congrats to Van, and thanks to all the riders on hand for a good time!

Adam Ginch, headbangin


Jackson Allen Can Can do it!

Big Baby Grampa Ginch!

WaZZZUPPPP! Ginch man!


Van Human getting a snap of the elusive Stew Johnson...

Stew Johnson, professional athlete, sponsored by Jookie Cola!

good people!

Video Premiere...

Donnie Connor checkin out the new FBM flick