Dig Trails issue!!!

Adam Guilliams, As seen in the new Dig?

After seeing the newest issue of Dig, we got so stoked on these pics of Adam Guilliams ( page 310), we hooked him up. Check out the trails issue of DIG, and stop by Quizno’s or Subway and get Gilly a snack. Congrats to Gilly for a sweet spread and the Lifetime Achievement Award for being extra kick ass. Gilly Will be guest grilling at Kenny Horton’s BBQ this weekend, and has signed up to sing la Bamba in the karaoke competition, courtesy of Voice BMX. Either that or he’ll be at Ray’s MTB, who knows actually. Chopper, get them coozies fired up.

Newest FBM rider- Adaom Guilliams, he'll be at the BBQ this weekend! Trails are serious business these days! Gilly from the new Dig! Gilly again! Who let the dawgs out? Christian Heweetttt!

Originally Posted by steve crandall