Derrick Girard is one of those personalities, that can be both curious, and confusing, and for sure never dull. I let him use my motorcycle over the weekend, after he had already lost 300 bucks, burned his money at the bar, and left his bike in a bonfire, and he brings it back with a screwy starter, intermitten turn signals, and then about parks it underneath my porch. Upon entering the house, he drops my dishes on the floor and polishes off a bottle of Jameson. Stunned. Anyrate, while at the trails, he was over heard saying “Pavia’s are in stock..” Jeremy and Anthony were riding the dirt ramps (as were cruz and hancock), while Jeremy gets ready to Move to the west coast, bound for glory.
Details are getting closer to being sorted regarding the contest at the Belmar on July 28th. Keep posted for an events list, and sponsors, etc…

Originally Posted by steve crandall