Evan Venditti, Pre Nacho Jump off, Re- Cycles an FBM dealer, where Evan And Latane hustle bikes, is a crucial element in the Nacho Jump Off, which is a part of Best Friends Day Weekend (click that Link for Band Schedules). Friday Night Is Strike Anywhere, Saturday at the water park is Torche, and Sunday is Asshole Parade, and the Nacho Extravaganza, with Oderus Urungus from Gwar As the event Announcer, and Mat Hoffman as guest Judge. The Comp Starts at 4pm prompt, last for 1 hour, between Bands, and will have 100% pro Payout, winner take all! (sign ups at the Bike lot- high noon)
More Goodness, check out the Junkfood Online Zine, it’s absolutely fantastical! Great Summertime photos!
We also Recently hooked up a rider out of the Rhode Island/ Connecticut/ Massachusetts area, Erik Hennessey, of Circuit, Herses a Video of our Friendly Puppy loving buddy, and the new Issue of JNKFD!
eric hennessey/symmetric commercial from erichennessey on Vimeo.

Originally Posted by Steve crandall