
The race sprockets are out in all sizes now, and the revised hose clamps are in as well. The new clamps dont have holes all the way through, to prevent cracking. They prevent crack as well, I have one on my bike, and so far, I have never used crack,…

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Big Ape Brian Osbourne (no relation to Ozzy) Sent this pic of his son Jared with Nyquist, at the Mountain Spew Comp in Louisville this weekend. From what I understand, its a huge comp, and Catfish is running a spinner front wheel. Phil Wasson and Gilly are working at the…

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Heres a couple more pics from the demo over the weekend, Greg Francis sent a couple, and the one of me jumping the cop car is from the cops buddy. I am almost positive that cop arrested me in 1999 for a loud party, and took me to the station.the…

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Forgash, close friend to the infamous “speed wolf” will be in New York this month to sing in a Billy Idol Male Drag cover band called “White Wedding”. He will also be destroying toilet bowls throughout the souther tier, and having more fun than anyone else. Billy the Kid, Derrick…

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If you tried contacting FBM or Last Call today, and had no luck, its because a wild storm went through and left us without power, We’ll be up and running in point 2 though. Yesterday we held an Fundraiser for The Ithaca Skatepark at Stewart park in Ithaca. Catfish brought…

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