
There are some new shirts available from FBM, here are a couple of them. Call Last Call if your shop doesn’t have them yet. Tony Hamlin and the twins were so excited about the new shirts, they flushed cherry bombs down the toilet at the Kink warehouse. They woke the…

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John Corts, self proclaimed “smartest guy ever”, and Big Dave have been Hustling in the Machine shop, getting the frames built in new sizes, and whipping out Deployers like no ones business, they made so many damn bikes, Ken had to build a new tubing rack. Curtis has been keeping…

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Blast from the past. This weekend Rob Kucherak got married, Forgash was the wedding photographer, and it was fun as hell. Congrats Rob and Liz. They had an Ape partying at the reception. Rob was the first person to loan any of the FBM crew a bike video a million…

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Slow healing, Fast driving Shanton Wilson sent some pics of him riding, to let us know he’s back riding after the leg break. He drives 155 and rides like an APE, so beware. Mike “the mangler” Mcqueen is in town, helping save the FBM video from the fiery depths of…

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It’s friday, and if friday were a band it would be Manowar. They wear pelts, and wield swords. Rumor has it that Dave King’s dad was a roadie for Manowar. Not much in the way of news, Stateline skatepark in Fort Mill SC,is closing its doors, Corey and Droo are…

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shit the bed

Dave King sent us an email about the Catty Trails. Catty is what was built after Nam was plowed, and now is in trouble as well. Checkout a website by Janice, who rides there, and click the petition link to help keep the trails rideable. Dunny also emailed, to…

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Did I mention yesterday, all of the shit that has broken lately? Well at least the transmission in the Last Call Van is dialed now, look for that thing to be mowing down some spots in the near future. Aaron Ross just got a new Depolyer frame, with the new…

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21st century blues…

I officially have the 21st century blues. In The past week, while trying to wrap up the new FBM video, The external harddrive has shit the bed, the modem fried, the ethernet port went haywire, the television that was being used as a video monitor stopped working, and today my…

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Mike Tag, upon his return from Europe, has been doing some R and D, on some new stuff from FBM, as well as filming for a Shitluck video to be out later this summer. Here he is busting a Toothpick at the pool in Ithaca. Phil Wasson is getting better…

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Tony Hamlin apes it out of High School

Twin Masher, Tony Hamlin is done with High School as of this week. Both him and Aaron Ross Graduate this year, and will be out riding even more than they were. Congrats guys. Apes. Team Major air is rumored to be stopping by FBM on tour soon, visiting olympic puddle…

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