
Here`s an old pic we found of Tag,Corrigan,Crandall and Gilly
testing some pre-angel of death era frames.This portable curved wall ride is still in the prototype stages even after all these years,although it may be dialed and ready at interbike,lets keep our fingers crossed! Originally Posted by leif…

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News. If you ask me what happened in the last 2 days, i’d tell you we drove our asses off, and have only made it to Lelands house in Kentucky. During that time, I’ve seen Derek punch twin in the face, and slap Tony while Tony was driving. I saw…

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We are currntly in return home mode, and at Phil Wasson’s home right now, in Kansas City Missouri, after a straight shot from Portland, only slowing down to get fuel, and snacks from gas stations. Derek may or may not have drank froma contaminated bottle, Punched twin in the face,…

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Portland, Yeah.

Here’s a Pic of Derrick with Portland Local, from Twin Falls Idaho, known as Twin Fin, he was super cool, showed us all the local spots, and was friendly to everybody, including Phil Wasson, who some might say is a crass and rude individual. After a fun session with him,…

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news? what news?

Swimming went down in the Sandy River, Derek built a 40 foot raft, and took it over some falls. Forgash , shown looking at a person in sweat pants, is currently practicing for his first metal show, with former Le Force guitarist known as Erik. The band is called Ballsy…

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Look ater…..

The trip out in the northwest is nearing an end, which will be followed by a lengthy drive back to NY. Northwest highlights include camping, the beach, Shad, Goods, Eddie Cleveland (HUGE APE), Chester Blacksmith (FBM Gang?), Jamie Mcparland, Jordan, Erik, Scotty, Forgash, Emily and Near for putting us up.…

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official chase vehicle

this lady has been following the crew across the u.s.
in this red car.she`s in love with two men at the same time
aiken and…….
apparently one of them is in the last call van,who is it? Originally Posted by A.P.…

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Holla atcha boyee.

We are chillin at the 511 compound in Portland with Forgash and Scotty Whitlake, and Riding with some of the Portland BMXers. Today was Shad’s birthday, and we rode with him, Jamie Mcparland, Chester, and the crew. Tomorrow we hope to go to the Goonies house in Astoria, and ride…

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