For all the dumb, and mischievous things my friends and I have done over the years, Having a cop show up hasn’t always been a surprise, I mean just last week, we had a K9 unit in the Van for speeding. Playing a board game and laughing too loud is…
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Category: News
camp fig fart show
Last night sandy carson ,joe rich and i had an art show opening at camp fig in austin.It went well and i got to see alot of people i don`t see to often
and meet some nice people as well.sandy and joe had some really good
photo`s for everyone to…
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and meet some nice people as well.sandy and joe had some really good
photo`s for everyone to…
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Here is another pic of the Equilibrium, in Transluscent black. Its tough, but I am not sure its as tough as the dude in the movie Chopper. Ape. Here is a pic as well of Aaron Ross from his trip to Japan, which was apparently a real good time. Cool.…
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Lots of pics and stuff…
The 06 Equilibrium frames are out now, they do not come with coffee and a strange sense of humor, but if Leif shows up for a visit, he does. The 06 frames are so nice, that the mayor of Johnson City came to FBM today to personally congratulate all of…
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No headlines…
So the weekend skatepark tour was fun,but its not always fun and games, especially when you go use the bathroom at the Louisville park, and return to see some ratty ghetto kid has swapped bikes with you, and hauled ass. Tony Hamlin learns the hard way on that one. Since…
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Bicycle news.
Weekend Roadtrip to Athens Ohio, and then Louisville Kentucky went down, with a late arrival back in New York at about 5am Monday morning. The crew was amped, we had an enforcement crew in the van kown as the “backseat badboyz”. Tony Hamlin, Gilly, C-hunk, Myself and several other wyld…
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bicycle news.
Derek Girard is currntly in Maine, pulling the 65 off the road for the winter and Dialing in a Geo Metro Go Kart. Aaron Ross is back from Japan, and text messaging someone right now. Big Dave, Ken, and the Corts Brothers have been putting in overtime, and drinking monsters,…
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2006 outsiders, out now!
The maniacs in the FBM machine shop have been crankin out sweet bikes, and the 2006 Outsiders are now back from paint.the new ones have heat treated 3/16″ drops, a butted seat tube, an externally machined headtube,and almost a half a pound lighter than last years. Ryan Corrigan, who is…
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News this.
Huge congrats to Cameron Wood for scoring the cover of Props issue 58. Terra shot it, its dialed. thats 2 riders with covers this month. Billy Ashby too…. Tag and the rest of the Shitluck crew have an awesome section in that issue as well. Forgash sent over a pic…
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BMX Bicycles?
One of the biggest Apes in History, Magilla Gorilla, is still blasting after all these years. Gilly Smalls, aka Jeremy Reiss is featured in a small interview in the new Ride Magazine. Mike Tag is also featured in that issue killing a 2 page feeble grind in the Face. Gilly,…
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