Halafam RULEZ!

One of my personal highlights within my years of FBM has been to share some of that with the Halahan Family, as they some how echoed back all the best parts of BMX, family, and positive energy good time stoke!
To be fortunate enough to loiter in skateparks, empty pools,…

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Bound For Nowhere… I looked down at my hands, calloused, dirty and holding a brass loop keychain with a spark plug gapper, a can opener and a few random keys. No idea what the keys were for, maybe my folks place back home, and the house on Fairfield, although I…

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A Travelers Creed…

A travelers creed… It seems like I’ve been on the go a long time, waxing and waning between some kind of deep rooted restlessness and road worn fatigue from never sitting still. Never quite sure if I’m running from something in my mind, or searching for something in my imagination.…

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