Captain Fun stopped by FBM, witha batch of Ox blood red Chopper forks, and had this to say…. “Stay nice”. John Lee, who’s real name is Johnjoseph (oneword) Calvin Lee the fourth, had this to say about his name- “I’m Not even a 4th, my dad just wanted me to be one…” Awesome. Check out Fatbmx for a check up on Ian and 4down. Also the Albes site has some nice pics of Bueno Dane-o and Dave Mirra. Peep it. Dirty ol Dev Dog Saved the web update today by providing a place for me to loot 2 awesome pics of Big Boss A. Ross. Aaron will be on the road with Stew Johnson, AKA foodboy, who is probably thinking about Shortstop right about now. Big news of the day is the fact that David Lisa, the infamous Transexual in Ithaca, was spotted bombing a hill in a radio flyer. No shit either. Handle between the legs and all. Word! More news… dave King, who turns 30 this weekend, was digging at Posh, and had his bike stolen, if anyone see’s it holla at us. Its Gilly’s fault, he wasn’t there to swat someone with shovel….

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall