Rebel Jam party fest 2006, the UK FBM team showed up with Deane Hearne, Josh Elkington was freaked out on Amsterdam Juice, while Tom Blyther did chicken Butt airs on Tony Hamlins head. He then proceeded to ask “what are Newports?”.
The Dejong Brothers also showed up, and Andy the event promotor was stunned by the new Tattoo on Tunneys ass. Ryan Guettler was also stunned to find over a dozen kids dressed exactly the same as him. Anyhow, Aaron Ross turned 35 on the trip, and pulled a 540 off of an Up ledge, while Danny Hickerson told him Voelker did that shit in ’89. More fun to report later…. 3 Lion Beers for a Euro, and not a refridgerator in sight.

Originally Posted by Crandialer