A Message from Darryl Nau!

To all riders in the texas / austin area: I am honored to be a guest on Mega Tour 10 with FBM and having the time of my life in TEXAS and with my BMX brothers. I was thinking that a lot of times on these trips the “teams” don’t…

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This Is BMX!

Mega Tour! What a blast this has been, riding with the Credence crew, all over the Texas,
Terrel Gordy buys us coffee, everyone is eating fried avacados, and drinking mexican cokes. Too much stuff to keep track of. HIt up the Props and Hennys Blog for more updates!…

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Sweep Yo head!

Ryan Corrigan has been a part of FBM long enough, that the headline to this blog update makes sense, being that it is what some dude said to us, while we were filming Albert Street, in the late 90’s-while brandishing a broom at us, kicking us out of a spot……

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Mega Tour Nado!

Mega Tour is in full swing, and we were treated to a nice Dallas Style evening on the town by Larry Hagman himself, where we Met a covetous, egocentric, and amoral oil baron named JR Ewing. It was crazy, but not as crazy as 11 guys in a Church bus…

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Famous People!

Yo Whats up homie… Lots of REALLY important shit going down in Texas, check the Props Website for photo and video updates of the FBM crew in the Lonestar state, not to be confused with Lonestar, from Spaceballs, Aka, Bill Pullman, who’s brother, Jim Pullman, was my homeroom teacher in…

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Mega Fun Super Stoker.

Holy Cow, Mega Tour IS ON! There are a ton of photos from day 1 on the Props Website. Allen Texas a sunny, beautiful day, and everyone was stoked! Kareem Williams was even there, and the tour seems to be off to a good start. Eric Hennessey is a…

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