Memphis blues….

Yesterday we drove down Interstate 40, We rode Memphis, and ran into the DK team, who were traveling with 4 people, 4 bikes, and a 15 foot trailer, that instantly got vandalized by a dude with a mannequin skull for a head.
Memphis has a rich history of music, good…

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Totally Tuesday! (all videos!)

Posted below are several embedded FBM Videos, for your viewing pleasure!
All these videos are filmed with state of the art equipment, by todays most popular filmers, people like Oliver Stone, Steven Spielberg, ALF, Spike Jonze, Terrel Gordy, Stew Johnson, Eddie Roman, and more!

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It’s Monday Sucka!

Mondays are one of the most important days in BMX internetting!
That is why for this update, I posted some product photos, and the liml to our other website for Last Call where you can find out about availability for FBM goods and more!
Thank Ginch its monday…

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Dixie BMX

To celebrate the good weather, the staff at Dixie BMX flew some of the FBM crew in on their private short bus into Knoxville Tn. to shred the gnar, and film for a Spike Jonze Documentary called “From Rockville To Knoxville” showcasing the film moguls ascent to superstardom, and his…

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Tom Blyth In Fubion

Coming off a ripping Interview in a recent Albion Magazine, Tom Blyth is following up that momentum with a full feature in Fubion! The BMXFU dudes are on the cutting edge of weird sarcasm and inside jokes, so its an honor for Tom to get such righteous coverage!…

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Hearts! If you love bikes, treat yourself this valentines day to a few smiles, riding around on your freedom machine!

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Blogged down.

Sometimes, all the overwhelming digital interfacing of being online often, feels like a drag.
Luckily Jackson and Henny post nothing but smily good time adventures to share with people!
Sassy Squatch and Tree Houses Rule, always brighten my day!
I think whoever eats the most pizza, smiles the most,…

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

I stumbled across this sorta old, trails edit online yesterday via the you Tubes… It has some great riding in the woods, in the Northeast, set to a tune by sean Garrison and the Five Finger Discount.
I’m not sure what it was in or anything, or how it ended…

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FBM on Mega Tour 10

Have you ever driven around in a fake Church bus with a bunch of gypsies with BMX Bikes?
Last year around this time, we loaded up, and drove around Texas, filming with Terrel Gordy, for Props Mega Tour. Keith Terra was also on board shooting for Ride UK.
Tom Blyth,…

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