Friends, Bikes, Music…

I love it when I can say , “hey, these guys get it”, although I probably can not pin point what “It” is..And I am sure it exists in many forms, the one that Henny and Jackson found, is one of my favorites!
A weekend spent with some good tunes,…

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We Out Here!

“Wait where are we?”
“We out here!”
“Oh, what are we doing out here?”
“Putting in work son! ”
“Where are we putting it?”
“In the work Bag!”
“Out here?”
“Ya, We out Here!” Come towards me…

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Into the black…

Nuno and the guys at Defgrip! assembled a great tribute to Mike Tag, with words from friends and more…
It’s a weird trip, to go through all of this, to see your loved ones struggle, to try and pen some meaningful words…. It’s also amazing to see the community at…

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Sas- Cratch Fever

Henny and Jax are at it again! Dialing and smiling! Henny is in Santa Cruiser once again chilling with Dog Nose Shirt, Treez nutz, Pork and Cheez, Wikkersun, Murph420 and Jack’s son, Jackson!
To keep up with this wonderful squadron of goons, hit up Trails Rule (Henny’s Website) and check…

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Th great gatsby

This spot always reminded me of something out of the great gatsby, I don’t know why, someone probably just suggested it one time, and it stuck, but this place is has some serious history…Respect the pool!
These are just a few photos of people hanging out, having fun, riding some…

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The guys at Ride magazine are working on an article for print about Tag, and posted this great tribute on the website, with words, tons of photos, videos and more…
A lot of good words, memories, and amazing photos with some great people…
So proud of that Dude, and miss…

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New stuff at FBM

FBM is proud to release the new Holeshot sprocket,
The holeshot sprocket is inspired by the original FBM race sprocket with a modern design for all aspect of riding. The Holeshot sprocket has an increased thickness for stiffness and tapers from 8.85mm thickness to 6.35mm (1/4). And it looks kickass!…

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Have you seen him?

Derrick Girard, AKA the Maniac, aka the Deece man, aka the dude who invented his own dialect, known as Apespeak… He dials, makes mods, deploys, dials some more, and makes more mods…
If you haven’t seen him lurking around, you haven’t been paying attention!
Look for Derrick on teh next…

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We never proclaimed to take over BMX, dominate anything, be the biggest, the best, be number 1, or any of that shit, No NORA cups, readers choice awards, celebrities, polished turds or nothing, we are quite simply just FBM, we make great bikes, parts, and accessories, ridden by kick ass…

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