Hey Gyp

I’ll buy you a cadillac, one that’s all shiny and black!
Until then though, this bad ass new Gypsy will have to suffice, peep the new Flipbook for spec, cool photos, and more info on a hand built, sick looking frame from the frame building maniacs at FBM!
Peter Koh…

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Carlos Santori is the Official, un-official FBM Tour Guide in Purto Rico, He’s a real Nice Guy and makes Cool Tie Dye Shirts with CHEEEEZ on them.
Carlos’ current duties include showing Evan Venditti around the island, for good times, adventure, shaved ICE AND RUM, and much more!
Evan V.…

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Drew Bezanson

After doing every trick ever thought of on a BMX bike, Drew Bezanson made a sign that reads ” I Hate Kenny Horton” and looked at Kenny in utter disgust. Kenny then ate his skull did a table top, and quit smoking cigarettes!
Look for Kidney Hurtin, and Doc Holladay…

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Gypsy Prince

If you haven’t seen the DVD, you can see some of the sections on the FBM Vimeo as well as dozens of FBM Classics, including Henny’s section below, where he actually borrows Kenny’s Bike and Jacket and does a handrail! Unreal!
Today is official 90’s rock friday, Silverchair, Cracker, the…

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Scotty Cranmer’s Toaster!

While in the midst of an FBM Lurk mission, in the Philly/ Jersey area, we managed to stumble across Scotty Cranmer’s beloved stainless toaster by the Jersey Shore, and sessioned it Hard!
Kenny And Captain Fun Oogled the streets of South and West Philly All weekend, staying gold, and riding…

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