Troy McMurray Dude!

Friend of FBM, and all around badass, Troy McMurray has been hospitalized and diagnosed with multiple pulmonary embolisms and has had blood clots throughout his body. Like Many BMX riders, and Americans in the working class, health coverage isn’t always available.
Loved ones and the BMX community at large has…

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Makin Bikes…

A lot goes into making a great bike. You don’t just order it out of a catalog, choose a color, and slap a sticker on it, at least not at FBM. Over the past several years FBM’s team of riders, staff and friends have helped worked together developing an approach…

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2012 yearend slideshow.

Another rotation around the sun, and another laundry list of sins we hope to wash away with resolutions and a fresh start.
For FBM, it was nothing short of bizarre, hosting events based loosely on coffee and pizza, spanning the continent with lunatics in a post apocalyptic school bus, laughing…

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The juice!

Garrett Guilliams is one of the awesomest dudes on the planet, King of Karaoke, champion of the waffle house, Air Guitar excellence, master of high fives, Pizza bandit, and all around Stoke Booster.
Garrett rocks FBM gear proudly, and we are proud that he does, watching GG Juiuce the big…

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Chizio Del Toro

Sometimes you meet someone so irreverent, so funny, and so bizarre, it brings nothing but good energy.
This is the case of our Good friend “Vicio” in Puerto Rico, who opened his doors, drove to spots, and cooked food, all for the love of fun,the search for Redondo and shared…

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Get Stoked!

The past few days have been spent documenting the wheels turning FBM style in Puerto Rico, with our good friend Evan Venditti and Cheesio Del Toro showing us the Island, the fun, and taking us to places to ride bikes, and witness the natural beauty of a place new to…

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Vagabond Ritual

For some people it’s all about numbers, how much of something you can accumulate to give your life meaning, whether it be money, possessions, of any sort really, tricks on a bike, friends online, conquests, what have you…
For some people however, its not about the ends, it’s the means,…

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Florida Kooks Hate Kenny Horton

In this particular photo of kooks in Florida we have a woman in a flamed shirt named KAy, Alistair Whitton, Albert Mercado, Aaron Naardi, Caleb Quanbeck,
and Erik Payne who plays guitar for Andrew WK, just to name a few! We don’t know how Kenny’s polarity gat all jacked up,…

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