Strange Bruiser

Yesterday I went and Saw Overkill play heavy metal like 50 year old badasses should, It was awesome, Jordan Dwan was with me, we head banged. It was sick! Jordan is a brut, and his unfamiliar Canadian slang was interesting to me.
Earlier in the day, i was giving some…

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The River Gap Called.

Kenny Horton pedals fast and jumps shit, sometimes it works out, sometimes his hair is a flailing mess of tumbling hesh. He doesn’t give a shit.
One of the gnarliest moments in BMX history, in my opinion, is the infamous Robbie Morales River Gap. Pull it or eat shit trying,…

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Fork YA!

Want some badass, quality handcrafted forks for your BMX? How about some other badass FBM gear? If your local shop or favorite mailorder doesn’t have what you are looking for, hit up our online store! boo yes! CB4Ks-
Featuring: A one piece CNC machined steerer tube, Roasted heat treated…

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Friendly Hi fives.

Some friends you might have known for 20 years, some you might have only known for 20 minutes, but nonetheless, it’s friends that make the good things in life resound. It can be a bike ride down the street, or some bad jokes after a good session, eating a meal…

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Jordan Dwan FuBM

Canandian exhange student Jordan Dwan from Lumby British Cloumbia, currently residing in Niagara Falls Ontario, of FU fame, who Reps FBM with 1664, is rocking a new Bellwitch and currently in the lone Star State, also known as Texas, Fufilming with Charlie Crumlish, and Greg Henry, watching Hevil, and…

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Ryan Corrigan House Party!

When not on the road, or in exotic far off places, building who knows what for various worldwide lunatics, Ryan Corrigan likes to enjoy some quiet time in his hometown of Austin Texas, eating good food, Chillin with Billie, and riding ramps rather than building them day in and day…

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Haulin Oates

John Paul Rogers of Collateral BMX took a web based search optimized group of do not carers to the dirt bumps to test out the new web media moguls at walnut hills, featuring a dial up modem session testing out his new slow-gan, “Ride Slow- Live Average”
No one got…

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Real Life Action Hero

Scott Towne shot this photo of Kelly Baker scrubbing it hard at Rays, and seeing it got me really stoked! If I had a hi five for every story I have witnessed Kelly Baker pen into the history books of outrageousness, my hands would be sore as shit.
Tenacious, hardworking,…

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