John Lee and friends!

We have some cool shit to share with the world wide web, starting with a cool raw trail video put together by Kyle Hibbard, featuring Long Island and PA. trails with John Lee, Chris Hancock and more.
Also a couple of kick ass web articles by Jeremy Pavia and Crazy

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New FBM Gear!

Big news in the world of cycling, and all things awesome! We got a ton of new FBM gear in stock, that you can seek out at your favorite bike shop or mail-order!
The Pizzagram might be one of the funniest pizza related shirts in the history of the slice,…

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Who stole the soul?

The soul of BMX has always been in the hands of the riders, the industry however, has been slipping from the hands of riders, through neglect, thoughtlessness, laziness, and a seeming general unawareness. The worn remainder of our trusty BMX waffle sole, has our toes poking through, from walking the…

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Angel of Deah!

The spirit of light hearted good times and fun lives within John Tillman, AKA, Chunk, AKA Captain Fun, the legendary Kennedy’s Fried Chicken enthusiast who catches hammers with his eye!
I lifted these Chuck photos off the inter web, because they got me stoked, and I wanted to remind everyone…

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Alter Ego

“Crazy people are not so f#@*ing boring…” The problem with insanity, and the fact that time stops for no man,
is that it can not be controlled. You just can not expect Garrett Guilliams, to not disappear, and return to reality, and not have a milkshake,it’s just what he does.…

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Evil Gypsy Taxi Confessions

Kenny Horton drive’s a Taxi for a job, he picks up congressman, welfare mothers, hookers, pimps, drug addicts, transvestites, drunks, psycho paths and more, delivering them to grocery stores, asylum’s and airports, sometimes just a drive thru for a dinner box. Its crazy when he tells me stories.
Sleep’s Holy…

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Ruel Smith, AKA Wormz!

Ruel Smith, aka Wormz, is one of those steadfast Characters in the BMX scene, un-phased by fads, and in such good standing in the community, that his fundamental talents, good looks and charm provide more credibility than any social networking suckas from the internet streets could ever earn.
From Jamaica…

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