Jamie Moore of Stowaway in Australia sent this pic of Kie Ashworh, with this-“Here is a pic of one of our FBM shredders down here.
Kie Ashworth is rocking no hands at his local park
Mandurah in Western Australia. Kie kills it as do Brad Grantham and Peter Koh who round out the
Three riders holding it down for FBM in Australia and New Zealand.”
word up. Stew Johnson is at FBM Making Mods to his Tour Vehicle, and making random statements about Kiss and Ace Frehley interviews on TV. In between normal frame production, Big Dave and the Crew have been making Veggie Fuel Tanks for a local company that converts diesel cars to run on alternative energy, here are a couple of pics. Garret Gilliums also sent over some pics of his usual outlandish behavior…. Now Playing- Dead Boys- “I need Lunch”

Originally Posted by Crandall