Here’s a pic oF Teeny Cardona in Chi Town sent over by one of his friends. NOT pictured is Ryan Nyquist who won Dirt at teh Dew Tour in Orlando this weekend, and then got Hammered with Phil Wasson and drunk dialed my ass. Congrats to Ryan on the Win, its tough competetion out there nowadays.I have slowly been getting through some of the Sponsor Me contest entries, and its taking way longer than I thought, Half the DVD’s work only in the Computer, the others only in a DVD Player, and some not at all. I’ll post the names this week of the entries that wont play. There are a lot of good sections sent in though. Dr. Boy out of Vestal NY has the most original lines so far. Some of the Music put on these sections, whoo, I don’t know. Way less Gangsta Rap than I was hoping for. Oh Well though. In other news, Gilly and dave King are in Pa, trying to salvage trail riding, after More rain than we got all summer came and showed up in 2 days. Cameron Wood is out there in Utah, being the coolest kid in the whole Salt lake area. Aaron Ross is getting ready to go to Japan, with Chase Hawk (how do you say ratty in japanese?), Dirty Dan, and Walter Pierenger. Mike Tag in Brooklyn for a minute? Possibly. Ryan Corrigan, we think he is in Texas, doing the scary dance, while Leif Valin is in York Pa. drinking coffee and doing strange artwork. More news later.
Originally Posted by Steve Crandall