After a warp back in time, 24 hours of travel, and ending up in the states on the same day we left Australia, Myself, Garrett Ginch, and Kenny Horton are now currently jetlagging mad max style…
Kenny is stoked, here he is rocking the new FBM “all smiles” shirt. The title of the shirt came from an old FBM trip to Little Rock Arkansas, where we were riding the infamous Kanis Bowl with Jud Ferguson. Derrick Girard referred to the Bowl simply as “all smiles”. He would say, let’s go to “all smiles”, and the concept stuck in reference to anything that made you stoked. Jessie from The Last People took my original concept, and re arranged it into its current state, which is an awesome shirt. Thanks fro the help Jessie.
In other haps, I poached a few interweb pics of the guys in the Richmond area, including a badass pic of Chris Neighbors half Cabbing over 33 inches outside his new screen printing shop- “Hot BoX”, which is at the Bike Lot. Awesome!
Adam Guilliams also sent over a pic, of some late winter yard bombing, and a short Edit of him learning how to film himself and make edits…Pretty cool, Adam is a pretty bad ass 11th grade monster of mayhem!

Originally Posted by Steve Crandalls